A Stromberg Carlson radio/phograph,
similar to this, was my first shortwave receiver.
Hallicraters S-120  (1965)
My first real SW receiver 
I used this when I first got licensed as WN9PRS
Hallicrafters HT-40/SX-140 (1965)   My first real ham rig as WN6RIU
Collins 75S-1 (1966)
With the 500 Hz CW filter, this was an outstanding CW receiver
Johnson Adventurer  (1967)
I later added a screen modulator for AM operation and a Heath VF-1 VFO
Swan 350 transceiver  (1967)
My first SSB rig
Heathkit DX-100 transmitter
My first boat anchor!
Built to last.  Those were the days.
Collins 75A4 receiver
Heathkid HW-32 20 M. transceiver  (1968)
National NCX-200 transceiver  (1970?)
WRL Galaxy V Mk 2 transceiver
(HL9UH in Korea, 1972)
Yaesu FL-2500 amplifier
Purchased from Dick, HL9VF
Collins KWM-2 transceiver  (1978?)
Finally, I've got the S-Line!
Collins 75S-3C receiver
With 200 Hz CW filter, of course.
Even better than the 75S1.
Henry 2K-4 amplifier  (1983)
And now, the "Big Amp" too!
Kenwood TS-440S transceiver  (1986?)
My first digital rig.
Yaesu FT-757  (1991)
My "spare" for taking on
the road to Nevada.
Kenwood TS-930 transceiver  (2002)
Christmas present to myself.
Heathkit Cheyenne transmitter  (2000)
Oh, why not?  Would have been great
to have about 35 years earlier!
Kenwood TS-820 transceiver  (2001)
Another Christmas present and
fixer upper.
Gonset GSB-201 amplifier  (2001)
And now a spare amplifier and
antique to boot.
Kenwood TS-690S  (2002)
Replacement to the TS-440
and it has 6 M. as well.
Icom IC-756 transceiver  (2003)
A gift from my late friend Ray, K6VX
Kensucom TS-1000MP Pro III
Latest state of the art transceiver.
(Actually,it's a Pilot Wasp, ca 1928, purchased on Ebay in 2005 for $19.99)
Web page by Amargosa Andy  8/22/09